Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Place I Find Myself In

Here is the place. Today is the day. I intend to discover me. In this space. In this piece of time. Some days I feel like a stranger even to myself. A person who is in a geography but doesn't really fit. Yet, it is my greatest desire to fit. To belong.

I spend most of my time with others trying to let them know they belong. I try to encourage, edify, love and show grace no matter what a person's current condition may be. Everyone needs to belong, right? And isn't it when we belong that we can discover who we are and become more fully who we were created to be, bringing the best and worst of ourselves to the table that we live life around. I spend my time doing for others what I would like to learn to do for myself.

So throughout this blog I intend to be intentional about finding the me I maybe never knew. Or the me I've been afraid to let the world see. But mostly I intend to be honest and true not only to the reader, but to the writer of this blog and to the God that I so love....